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George Kane

George Kane is a celebrity impersonator and is a "dead ringer" for Hugh Hefner. He has Hef's mannerism's and image perfected to the degree that everyone he meets, believes he is the real Hugh Hefner.

Suicide Sirens

The Suicide Sirens are a Full Blown Sexy Erotic Circus-in-a-Bottle

Sassee Cassee

Sassee Cassee is the World's Smallest Stripper and one of the most in demand Little Person entertainers available.

Pint Sized Pepper

Pint Sized Pepper AKA Viva La Muerta

Shay Lynn

2020 Miss Exotic International Performer of the Year



Reya Sunshine

Reya Sunshine is an On-Stage and Online Unstoppable Force. Amassing millions of fans on social media from her high energy shows.

Raychel Revolver

Raychel Revolver is the EDI East Starlet Champion 2023

Suicide Sirens

The Suicide Sirens are a Full Blown Sexy Erotic Circus-in-a-Bottle

Dani Steel

Dani Steel is the 2019 Miss Exotic World Pole Champion

Angel Beau

Angel Beau was Crowned 2017 Miss Nude Entertainer of the Year